The history

Here is a beautiful history of colonial roots that takes us back to the times when adventurers crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the Nineteenth Century to find wealth. Only those who came back rich and prosperous were considered the true heirs of those feats.

Salvador Bofill Doménech, brother of the captain and shipowner Benet Bofill Doménech, arrived at the Cuban city of Matanzas from Lloret de Mar in search of his own fortune. There, in the central street of Calle Magdalena, next to Palacio de Junco, he had his own tailor’s shop and met young Leonor, whom I married in 1858. Leonor was a descendant of the illustrious Delamar family, of Creole linage and French ancestors who had arrived in America in the early Eighteenth Century. The Delamars were part of the commercial and industrial elite who considered themselves of Indian nobility and founders of the island.

1874 was the year of birth of the central figure of this story, María Bofill Delamar. At the age of six, she abandoned Cuba and went to school in the Metropolis, thus maintaining the family ties with her father Salvador’s homeland. Her father’s adventurous spirit never left María nor future generations. The small fortune that María managed was later used by her descendants to prosper in the tourist sector of the 1950s.

Decades later, the legacy of María Bofill Delamar is reborn thanks to her great grandchildren, the Frigola family, in a new hotel built in her old estate. The walls of this hotel will be the ones that transmit us the passion and memories of the past, the fusion of the Mediterranean and the Caribbean breezes. The legacy of a whole life is where the new story begins. Hotel Delamar invites you to be part of it.

Welcome to Hotel Delamar

Hotel Delamar

María Bofill Delamar

Matanzas 1874

Lloret de Mar 1956